Thursday 5 November 2009

In Stitches

The Scenic Path of Human Artefacts, the short story inspired by the NaNoWriMo Prompts I listed on November 1st, has been accepted for 52 Stitches. And so ends the two month dry spell... Or for the pessimist, so begins the next. Whatever the truth of it, I be happy.

Zombie Hunter Coat of Arms by =The-Prophet-Of-Chaos on deviantART

Being a little bit concerned that my prompts are too odd here are some less odd ones.


Bored now... Let's jazz it up a bit.

Cracked Pots
Swallowing Words
Stripy Snake Socks
Disposable Friends
Vile Goblins
Drenched Beard


Jeremy D Brooks said...

Very cool...

Jamie Eyberg said...

I want that picture made into a patch for my jacket. Congrats on the acceptance, I am curious to see how your prompts came together now. *scratches chin thoughtfully*

Cate Gardner said...

Jeremy, :D

Jamie, fantastic idea or maybe a fake tattoo (or a real one if you're braver than me).

Katey said...

Congratulations-- I can see that next year's is going to be even cooler than this year's was, which is saying QUITE a lot.

Love the zombie hunter crest. Ha!

Aaron Polson said...

I've threatened to steal temporary tatoos from the boys. Not as tasty as candy, but...

(yes, Katey, year 2 is shaping up nicely)

Rabid Fox said...

The coat of arms is amazing. I remember seeing my family's coat of arms as a child (maternal grandfather's). Not as impressive. :(

Fox Lee said...

Congrats on the sale!

K.C. Shaw said...

Awesome! That was a fast turnaround from idea to acceptance. :)

Rebecca Nazar said...

Congrats. :-)

Alan W. Davidson said...

Congrats on the accepance. I think monkey and diamond have caught my attention...hmm cracked pots...

jonathan pinnock said...

Congrats on the acceptance - that reminds me, I need to get my act together ...

BT said...


I'm going to steal your coat of arms and turn it into an iron on transfer for one of my t-shirts!

Very cool.

BT said...

Don't worry prophet - I shall give full credit where it is due.

Danielle Birch said...

Congrats :)

And I love vile goblins.

L.R. Bonehill said...

Great news and great title - congrats!

Cate Gardner said...

Katey, so far I'm particularly intrigued by Jamie's story, and I can't wait to delve into more stitches.

Aaron, I haven't had a temporary tattoo since I was about 12. Maybe we could start a club.

Rabid, one day that one might be yours... Erm, well... Possibly best to ignore that comment.

Thanks, Natalie.

It was. Thanks, Kate.

Thanks, Rebecca.

Cool. I sparkle every time someone says they might have use for a prompt.

Jon, do.

BT, I wish it was mine. Sort of. ;)

Thanks, Danielle.

Thanks, LR. :D

Anonymous said...

Congratulations!! :D


Anonymous said...

Yes! Nice! Now that you and Mike are in I'm feeling more and more like I should give it a shot.

Doug Murano said...

Congrats on your sale!

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