Friday 30 October 2009

Who Needs Men in Tin Suits

I believe in Karma. I believe if you bite someone on the backside, a black dog will chase you down the street and take a bite out of yours... And so, my week possibly sucked a little because I have been treating my poor soliders so very, very badly. Their trials are almost over though. I'm reading over the rewritten manuscript of Theatre and catching all those nasty typos, I hope. My original plan was to have everything finished and sent off to the publisher by November 1st, but thanks to a man who lives on this island... internet connection has been pants this week and I spent most of my spare time trying to save my computer. I won the battle - phew - although the knight didn't come to my rescue. This damsel saved herself.

Things that did not suck about my week included reviews of both Fifty-Two Stitches (especially happy that two wonderfully talented ladies, Mercedes M Yardley & Natalie L Sin, received mentions) and Malpractice (with a shout out for my favourite story by a certain Mr Jeremy Kelly), and the fact that Halloween waits at the end of it. Oh and there is nothing better than receiving an invite to view the costume of an almost three year old from said small person, it shall be pirates and fairies tomorrow night.


K.C. Shaw said...

I'm glad your computer (and you) survived the ordeal. Now you can celebrate with Halloween!

Fox Lee said...

I wish my neighborhood liked Halloween. I'm eating way too much candy : P

Alan W. Davidson said...

That's great news about the reviews. Cheers to Natalie, Mercedes and Jeremy! Have lots of fun with the pirates and fairies tomorrow night.

Jamie Eyberg said...

At least that isn't my island. *phew*

Aaron Polson said...

Oh Halloween, how I love thee.

Never trust people who live on islands. (Wait, you live on an island, right? A big island, but...never mind what I said about islands.)

Barry Napier said...

I'm confused about the island. It's quite pretty but I get the feeling that I wouldn't want to live there...


Cate Gardner said...

The resident of the island in question - somewhere south of your lovely large continent - is the owner of the company I receive my internet from and they have crashed thousands of computers in the UK this week. So, I'm pulling tongues at him :/

Katey said...

Jerk Island-Owners. You may live on one, but it's not private! Glad the ordeal is over (or mostly over?), anyhow.