Saturday 12 September 2009

Pirate Talk

The Unfortunate Tale of Captain Unworthy is now available to read at Books for Monsters.

Some advice to readers: cringe at my pirate talk, be concerned about my mental state, and try to ignore the clunky sentences. There's one sentence (just one, you say) that I want to grab hold off and rearrange. I should never read my work when I'm in edit mode.


Aaron Polson said...

Now that was a healthy dose of weird...


Jamie Eyberg said...

Argh, That be a fine whale of a tale, Cate, in miniature form.

Cate Gardner said...

Aaron, checking diary to see if I was on any prescription drugs at the time. ;)

Jamie, argh indeed. :D

Fox Lee said...

Another phenominal title! Then again, they always are ; ) Can't wait to read it!

Katey said...

Hahaha, what Jamie said. That was cool as hell. I'm rather in love with the name Captain James Unworthy now.

Danielle Birch said...

Cate, I loved it and I love the name.

Cate Gardner said...

Thanks for taking the time to read his tale. :D

K.C. Shaw said...

I liked that! It's like Concentrated Cate. :) I couldn't identify any awkward sentences, either.

Cate Gardner said...

Thanks for reading it, KC.