First off, I hit panic mode - but there are so many wonderful blogs that I visit and so many people I want to give a pink teacup to, I bemoaned, and then inspiration hit in the form of the lovely pinkness of the award and I realised I could bestow the lovely blog award on no one else. So who is this lucky recipient...
Jameson T Caine of course. He is one of a hardy band who have helped promote Olive Lemon's tale this month (and helped to add width to my grin), and I'm hoping that Duotrope will pick up that he's received this award and will finally realise that he's not lying, that he has had all those acceptances, that he is that good.
Pass it on son, pass it on. Here be the rules:
1. Accept the award, and don't forget to post a link back to the awarding person.
2. Pass the award on.
3. Notify the award winner(s).
Nicely picked...this sweet award really has taken a journey to the "dark side".
Ah, pink does go well with black. I'm not sure of the "origins" of this award, but I'm not sure the creator(s) planned on this trip.
Well-picked, Cate. Trucker by day, writer by night. A very interesting dude.
I think that's a veil behind the teacup and something horrid is lurking behind it, which mean the award belongs with us.
You deserve it. I love stopping by to see what you're up too.
Thanks, Kim.
Jameson, next up a Stoker nomination.
Holy crap, that is a pink tea cup : O
Very pink, and possibly when it comes around to you - as it must and should at some point - there will be dancing Koreans behind it.
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