Friday 12 June 2009

Flash Friday

Some of you will have read my story Lonesome Pine already in the fabulous 'Northern Haunts' anthology, and for those of you who haven't, the story has today been reprinted in Flashes in the Dark.

I'd love it if you could leave a comment on the site and tell me how wonderful, amazing, talented, fantastic... You get the picture. Of course if you hate it, I have no objection to you saying that either - but I will hunt you down.


Alan W. Davidson said...

Great story, Cate. No, I'm not just saying that because I'm scared of being hunted down...

K.C. Shaw said...

Oh gosh, I can hear the howling from here as you lope through the forest seeking out dissing commenters. Good think I loved that story! (Although I didn't leave a comment, so I may be in danger anyway.)

Carrie Harris said...

That one's really creepy.

No, seriously. It's creepy.

Barry Napier said...

I truly did love this story, Cate. Also, you stole my idea! I was considering sending these guys one of my NH stories! Well, actually, since you beat me to it, I suppose it is now ME stealing YOUR idea...

Jamie Eyberg said...

Eek! I wonder if oak trees have similar origins.

Cate Gardner said...

Thanks, Alan. I should have added 'I will hunt you down and tickle you...' :)

KC, you are so brave.

Cheers, Carrie.

Barry, I delved my fingers into your brain while you were sleeping and pulled out the idea. You shouldn't sleep on my watch.

Jamie, of course.

Jodi Lee (Morrighan) said...

Loved it, Cate - as always. :)

Tuonela said...

Sweet story! Shades of the Green Man.

KC, now I have the image of Cate loping through the moonlit forest in my head. She is covered in fine grey fur... thanks for that!

Cate Gardner said...

Thanks, guys :)

BT said...

Cate, this is getting boring. You keep publishing stories and I keep saying how great they are.


Keep it up!

Cate Gardner said...

Admit it, you're frightened I'll hunt you down. Thanks for reading it, BT.

Danielle Birch said...

I agree with Carrie, seriously, it is very creepy. I loved it.

BT said...

Not at all - I want you to come...

And now I know how to lure you in, you can expect all sorts of bad reviews from me ;c)

It's going to be keeping a straight face while I'm lying my ass off that will be the difficult part!