Tuesday 2 June 2009

Book Trailer Tuesday

Over at Danette Haworth's blog, Courtney Summers has posted an excellent post about how to make a book trailer. Excellent advice. I so want to make one now, even though I haven't got a book. Sigh! How about a trailer for a flash story? How bizarre would that be? And it'd probably be longer than the story. Sorry, wittering on...

Now check out this fabulous trailer for the Grants Pass anthology from Morrigan Books. Featuring a story by the wonderful, KV Taylor. Go buy a copy, now.


Rebecca Nazar said...

Fantastic, more evocative than a book jacket blurb. Music always grips.

Katey said...

Grah, in a list like that, I'm hardly featured! You're so sweet, man, thanks <3

I rather like book trailers, I must say. I think Rebecca's point about the music is what does it.

Mary said...

“How about a trailer for a flash story?”

Could be good. ;) It might fit with the feeling of 15-second films. http://www.15secondfilmfestival.com

Carrie Harris said...

Yeah, reading stuff like that makes it tough to resist the book trailer urge. But then I tell myself, self, when your book sells and they change the title and the main character becomes a midget goat herder and you have to rewrite the whole thing, you will be glad to have no wasted your time making a trailer.

Now if only I'd listen to me.

Danielle Birch said...

The music always finishes it off nicely.

Fox Lee said...

Thanks to Youtube, I could probably make a trailor for "The Boy Band."

You know, as long as I didn't let pesky things like copyrights get in the way ; )

Jamie Eyberg said...

I read about that antho the other day and now I am totally excited about getting my paws on it.

Cate Gardner said...

Rebecca, they so wouldn't work the same without the music.

Katey, I'd kill to be on that list.

Mary, if I made it, it could be bad, bad, bad. :)

Carrie, I imagine your book trailer would be awesome.

Danielle, I agree.

Natalie, does 'You Tube' bother with copyright. ;)

Jamie, I can't wait either. It's such a neat idea.

K.C. Shaw said...

Well, like the linked-to post says, it's always good to practice making a book trailer before you need to make one! I'd love to see what you come up with!

Hmm, I wonder if I could make something worth watching. Might be fun.

Daniel I. Russell said...

Just stopping by to say thanks. Had a nice chunk of visitors over on my page today, a good few from this very page. Good stuff!

Cate Gardner said...

K.C., we so have to give it a go. We need some fun.