Tuesday 10 March 2009

storySouth Million Writers Award

Nominate your favourite online story of 2008 for the storySouth Million Writers Award. Readers can nominate here, and Editors can nominate here.

The short version of the rules: The award is for any fictional short story of at least a 1,000 words published in an online publication during 2008.

Overall winner: $500
Runner-up: $200
Honorable mention (third place): $100


Anonymous said...

Oooh. So many great stories to choose from. If there was ever a time for writers to "scratch each others' backs" it would be now!

Jamie Eyberg said...

I am with Barry. People let me know what stories they had published online with at least 1000 words. (I only had one story that fit that description)

Cate Gardner said...

I've been making a note of stories I really enjoyed during 2009, but did't do that for 2008 - doh! - so I'm going to have to get my brain in gear.

Cate Gardner said...

YAY! I've chosen mine.

Fox Lee said...

So many stories I loved, but I knew which one I wanted to vote for : ) I hope I did it right!

Katey said...

Oooh both you and Natalie picked really, really good ones...

K.C. Shaw said...

Ooh, I like the idea of making a list of favorite short stories of the year. Man, there are way too many good stories out there to narrow it down....

BT said...

I've been looking through the comments list on the competition site - am I missing something? I don't see Cate ot Nat's name anywhere.

Is there somewhere else I'm supposed to see this?

Cate Gardner said...

Good choice, Natalie. I went for a little tale called 'Losing face in Kwai Chung.' :)

Katey, we have excellent taste. :)

KC, I know. My 2009 list is growing quite long.

BT, we both nominated people in the readers list. We are there.