Monday 2 March 2009

Marching On... (Groan!)

Fantasy Magazine have adopted a Clarkesworld like submissions tracker so you can now submit through the site. I find these things addictive. It's a long way from the bad old days when you had to submit everything by snail mail, only it wasn't 'snail' then, just plain old mail. I know things can disappear into the ether with emails, but back then the post office could lose them for decades. At the moment I'm number 7 in line at Clarkesworld for a rejection, I mean consideration.

In other Fantasy news, if you have the time, I highly recommend checking out The Adventures of Petal, the Paperdoll Pirate by Paul Jessup. Wonderful, surreal, and engaging.

And in YAY! news: 'See Saw' - a humorous, dark sci-fi tale - sold to M-Brane SF yesterday. Nice start to the month.


Anonymous said...

Congrats on the sale!!!

Cate Gardner said...

Thanks, Barry.

K.C. Shaw said...

Congrats! Nice sale! :)

I love those online submission forms too. If I ever write a short story again (doubtful at this rate), I'm going to send something to them.

Cate Gardner said...

Thanks KC.

Rebecca Nazar said...

Congrats on the sale and very productive Feb.

Jamie Eyberg said...

Way to go Cate! You never cease to amaze me.

Cate Gardner said...

Thanks, Jamie

Josh Reynolds said...

Congratulations on the sale!

Fox Lee said...

Woot on the acceptance!

I've never used a submissions tracker, other than duotrope. I think they would make me nervous!

Patrick Rutigliano said...

I'm not that keen on the forms myself as my OCD has me constantly wanting to recheck everything I send out (I spend way too much time in my inbox). Then again, I don't think I've ever used one that provides such specific information. Hmm...

Congrat.'s on the sale!

Carrie Harris said...

Woo hoo! An acceptance is nothing to groan about!

Aaron Polson said...

Congrats on the sale! (and the pun was fine)

Cate Gardner said...

Thanks, guys. :)

Kimbra Kasch said...

You are my muse - inspiring me to get some subbs out the door-or, out of the draft-box into the sent-box

Cate Gardner said...

Get them out there Kim. :)

Jeremy D Brooks said...


I've subbed to Clarkesworld twice (and usually get bounced within a week, probably with a snicker), and I always log the little submission tracker ID into my spreadsheet. I love those types of submission systems. Glimmer Train has a good one, but they don't email you with your submissions have to log in, which is maddening.

Danielle Birch said...

Congrats. Tis shaping up to be a great March.

BT said...

A nice start to the month and couldn't have happenned to a nicer lady.

Congratulations, Cate.

Jameson T. Caine said...

Congrats! Pass the Jammie Dodgers!

Tuonela said...

Goodonya Cate! It should put a 'spring' in yer step, eh?

Cate Gardner said...

Thanks guys.

I'm now number three in the Clarkesworld rejection pile... :D

Groan, Ian.

Andrea Allison said...

Congrats! Gold star for you!

One of my writer friends started an ezine with a similar tracking system. Basically told you if your submission had been read or not. Yes it's addicting but I kind of like it. I don't have to wait for months in La La Land wondering if my submission made it to its destination.

Cate Gardner said...

Thanks, Andrea.