Tuesday 13 January 2009

Year's Best

Ellen Datlow and Gavin J. Grant & Kelly Link have announced that 'The Year's Best Fantasy & Horror' has folded.

It's not all bad news, Ms. Datlow will be editing an anthology of the year's best horror for Night Shade Books.


Bobbie Metevier said...

Was there a reason given? Eeek, I hope it's not the economy. The new yearly sounds great though.

Rob Brooks said...

Yeah, what a downer. I hope the new antho can hold up to the standards of the old ones.

Anonymous said...

Oh crikey. I was hoping to receive an honorable mention in that book sometime in the next twenty years.

Aaron Polson said...


Well, such is life. Onward and forward.

Jamie Eyberg said...

I read about that yesterday. I was saddened but St. Martin's Press must have had their reasons. No matter how stupid they are.

Cate Gardner said...

Bobbie, I'm guessing the reason is money. Let's hope no more fall during the year.

Rob, as Ellen Datlow will still be editing, I'm sure it will maintain its high quality. :)

Jeremy - I was aiming for in the next ten years.

Ha! Aaron, that was my reaction at 5:20 this morning. The noooooo part that is.

Jamie - it's such a shame.

Carrie Harris said...

Oh no! I love reading those! I have tons of old copies too.

Cate Gardner said...

Treasure them.

Kimbra Kasch said...

Oh, I hate to see publishers go under :(

So sad.