Wednesday 14 January 2009


Some of you will have already guessed that I'm a BlogWhore TM. Well on one of my daily travels around the internet I discovered the blog of Brandon Bell. Go check it out. Oh, and try not to get BlogEnvy TM because it's one of the best looking blogs I've stumbled across.

I've broken my 'write one short story a month in 2009' rule and my wrists have been duly slapped. I've submitted Shiny Black Hearts to 'Weird Tales' and Dead Sharp Tail to the 'Dead Bait' anthology. I was working on something for 'Space Cops', but it began wandering further and further away from the guidelines so I've put it aside and declared I'm not going to write another short story during January. We'll see how long that lasts.

And Google fact of the day - someone found my blogspot blog by typing 'i hate cate .com'. I'm assuming they mean Miss. Blanchett and not me. Gulp!


Anonymous said...

Right now I have writer envy. I'm working on a short story I want to submit to Necrotic Tissue. So, so far this year I've started one short story and worked on a novel I've been writing since 2000... Although, I have had three nonfiction articles published so far this year, so it's not that bad.

Jamie Eyberg said...

Congrats on getting your Bait story out. I just hope I like mine when I am done with it. Good luck on withholding from the short story. I know I have already blown my one a month pledge.

Cate Gardner said...

Wendy, I get WriterEnvy all the time.

Jamie, five hours abstinance and counting. :)

Jamie Eyberg said...

February is only a couple of weeks away. Okay so 18 days away. You can do it.

Anonymous said...

At least now you know I'm sitting at home, plotting, because I'm envious of you.

Maybe if there was less plotting and more writing...

Carrie Harris said...

There needs to be a BlogWhore support group. I will be so there.

Cate Gardner said...

Me too - if I can bring my computer. :)

K.C. Shaw said...

As always, I love your titles! Good luck on the submissions!

Cate Gardner said...

Thanks, KC.

Anonymous said...


Thanks for your kind words. :) The truth is I was laid off last month so I have a bit more time to devote to the blog between visits to monster and dice. -crosses fingers- Being unemployed is crummy.

Anyway, I'm impressed at how many stories you've written already in the new year. Reminds me what I really need to be doing (after the job search, of course). ;)


Anonymous said...

ONE short story a month?!?! That's madness!

And Brandon's blog gives me reason number 546,321,789 to like blogger better than wordpress...

Aaron Polson said...

C'mon, write some more shorts (says the dirty little devil on your shoulder).

Fox Lee said...

At this point, I think people could google "Thai porn" and find my blog.

Jamie Eyberg said...

Actually, so no one has a spouse or their computer technician question them, I just googled that and Natalie wasn't in the top ten. Yet.

Kimbra Kasch said...

Love that photo on Brandon's site. I swear I popped by that blog just the other day.

Cate Gardner said...

You're welcome Brandon - and good luck with the job search.