Sunday 2 November 2008

Cover Art Goodness

Sand Year One

YAY! Strange Publications are publishing an anthology of the year’s stories – check out the cover art to the left. It will feature my story ‘Through the Warped Eye of Death’ which appeared in issue 2.

Plus, the same team are also behind 52 Stitches, which opened for submissions for flash fiction yesterday. They started my Sunday off in a good way by accepting my story ‘Nobody Smiling’.

Hoping to get at least 500 words done on ‘Theatre of Curious Acts’ later today if I get home in time – don’t want to miss my favourite Sunday night show at the moment – Stephen Fry in a taxi journeying across all of the United States states.

Oh, and I also got a 1 day rejection from Clarkesworld this morning – well if you don’t try. :)


K.C. Ball said...

Congratulations on the acceptances, Cate. And Stephen Fry is a funny man; I loved him in V for Vendetta and he is a hoot as the narrator in Little Big Planet (my partner is a gonzo gamer). God only knows why Mr. Fry would want to waste his time driving across this country. If I were younger, I would emigrate to someplace sane.

Anonymous said...

What a cool cover. Congrats on your multi-conglomerate plethora of acceptances lately.

Oh, and thanks for mentioning my story in Macabre Cadaver!

K.C. Shaw said...

Congrats on the acceptance! That makes, what, about six million for you this year, give or take a million? :)

That cover is awesomely disturbing.

Jamie Eyberg said...

Congrat Cate. That cover is pretty cool, but I don't know if I want to see what I am eating all the time.

Jodi Lee (Morrighan) said...

Excellent cover, even if there is a freefloating eye. *shudder*

Congrats again, Cate!

Fox Lee said...

I've gotten one day rejections. I'm always oddly impressed.

Cate Gardner said...

Ah KC, but we Brits love America.

Jeremy - I'm hoping to get around to reading your story (and the others) early next week.

KC - Six million and seven to be precise.

Jamie - I believe you have something in 52 Stitches too - congrats.

Jodi - Isn't it.

Natalie - I adore 1 day rejections, and sending stuff to Clarkesworld you kind of expect it.

Anonymous said...

Grats on the pubs!

One day reject... beats the hell out a 3-month reject.

Cate Gardner said...

I love places like Clarkesworld & Lone Star Stories that reject very, very quickly especially as chances are I'll never get into either market.

jonathan pinnock said...

Congratulations, Cate! And I'm very glad that you mentioned Fifty-Two Stitches, 'cos they've just taken one of mine too, and I wouldn't have known about them otherwise :)

Cate Gardner said...

Congratulations, Jonathan. :)