I've known for about a week but had to wait for the official announcement before I blabbed. Jeez, it's been hard holding onto my water. :)
In other Morrigan news. The below books are available for pre-order:

In every room, there is a story. In this hotel, the stories run to the wicked and macabre. Well-crafted psychological and supernatural horror offerings await you, each written by a master storyteller. Whether you are looking to be shocked, disturbed or out-right frightened, Voices will have something to titillate your nerves and make your hair stand up on end. Leave the lights on and brew a strong cup of tea, the voices in the room plan on keeping you up all night.
It includes stories by KV Taylor, Gary McMahon, Paul Kane and many others.

Since the dawn of mankind, we have always made our own monsters: the terrors of capitalism and corruption, the things between the cracks, the ghosts of self…terrible beasts of desire, debt, regret, racism…of family ties, and the things that get in the way of our aspirations…the familiar monsters of our own faces, of tradition, rejection, and the darkness that lives deep inside our own hearts…
Can you identify the component parts of your own monster?
Can you afford to pay the dreadful price of its construction?
That's too bad about the anthology. At least they are repackaging it! : )
It is a shame, but now I have the added excitement of what it will become. I'm all for a bit of mystery.
As if the whole submission/acceptance process wasn't nail-biting enough...
Sorry to hear about the antho, but at least your story will still see the light of day. That's the important thing!
I almost went right to you when I saw that announcement yesterday to ask what was going on! God, LOVE that cover, love the concept, SO glad it's going to be repackaged. This should get interesting-- I, like you, love a bit of mystery.
I've got a couple friends in there, so when I saw the news I was wondering what was going on. I'm sure it will all work out. Should be a nice antho!
Can't wait to hear more about it! Keep us posted.
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