Tuesday 19 August 2008

An Anniversary of Sorts

One year ago today I decided to write my first ever children's book. It seemed like a mad idea at the time. I had spent the day writing a short story called 'The Paper Dolls' and it seemed to me (and to the people in my critique group) that it would make a good children's story. Ridiculous! I thought. Eighteen days later I had completed the first draft of 'Lucy Baxter & The Evil Emporium', and within 2 months I had finished that book and written the first draft of my second book 'The Poisoned Apple'.

What would be perfect is if exactly one year later I signed with an agent? Drums fingers on desk. Okay, I said it would be perfect, I didn't say it would happen. :)

Anyhow, in honour of my one year anniversary (and by coincidence) every story I have written in this so far productive week has a young MC.

A Strange Artificial Light - our heroine is 11
Ugly Duckling - our heroine is 17
Hand Scratched Note - our hero is 18
Uncle Eric's Leather Bound Tale - WIP - our hero is 13

As these are all horror stories/dark fantasy stories intended for adult books I could have a problem. I'm hoping the editors will be reminded of Stephen King's young MCs, of course they are nothing like Stephen King's so I could be in trouble... Oh dear!


Aaron Polson said...

Young MCs rock. I tend to have the same issue...maybe because I teach 16-18 year olds...

Wendy Withers said...

When I was a kid, I was the only person in my family reading horror novels. And, I only read horror novels with young MCs. Since I'd read somewhere around 10-30 novels a week, I'd say you have an advantage.

Assuming there is at least one child alive carrying my torch.

Cate Gardner said...

Thanks guys. :)

Fox Lee said...

I have trouble with young MCs. Maybe because I don't remember much about being a kid? Stupid seizures : P

I think it rocks that you're having a "themed" anniversary.

K.C. Shaw said...

Hey, the agent thing could easily happen!

Young MCs are fine, to my mind. Young people are simultaneously innocent and kind of creepy, so they're perfect in horror stories anyway. :)