Sunday 8 June 2008

A short one.

The drawback to having over twenty flash / short stories in the submission process is it makes it darn difficult to find a market to send something to.

Through the Warped Eye of Death was rejected earlier in the week by The Black Garden - super fast, courteous, encouraging (It was an intriguing story...) reply.

Off to continue my hunt.


Fox Lee said...

I have sixteen (I think) and yeah, it gets bewildering. Especially keeping track of what went where and when to expect an answer.

Cate Gardner said...

My fear is 'multiple submissions' to the same editor. It's going to happen...

Felicity Dowker said...

Do you use Duotrope? I couldn't live without it (I have 16 or so at the moment too), but even so I still have to stop and think at times, especially when it comes to competitions or markets that aren't listed on Duotrope.
Although if I find myself without many pieces out to market, I feel panicky and go into a frenzy of can't win. :op

Cate Gardner said...

I love Duotrope (and Ralan for its anthology listings).

Felicity Dowker said...

I haven't tried Ralan, sounds like I should check it out - gotta love the anthos.

Anonymous said...

yeah, that's a lot of flash. and kudos to you for it because I can't write succesful flash to save my life.

My story Lunatic Mile was also rejected from The Black Garden. But I already sent in attempt #2 over the weekend, "How the Darkness Took Him."

BTW...checked out the Poisoned Apple pics...very very nice.

K.C. Shaw said...

Good luck! I don't even have that many stories in circulation right now (much less flash only), and I still seem to be running out of markets.

I second what others have said--Duotrope and Ralan's are both excellent resources.

J.C. Tabler said...

I've got about 10 out right now. I figure I want 5 out always, and will get antsy if I don't have at least 8 out...but it lets me slow down on some of the writing if I have a few out that I'm waiting on rejections for before revising.

Danette Haworth said...

I agree Catherine, flash markets can be hard to find, and I have accidentally sent the same story to an editor twice!