Thursday 12 June 2008

Busy, Busy, Busy (or just covering for my procrastination)

Apologies for the lack of posting. It's been a mad, mad week - new windows, new doors (the front one is kind of spooky and impossible to work - don't ask!).

Now for the 'be careful what you say' or a case of the Sean Connery's as in 'Never Say Never Again' (or something like that). I may have said that I probably wouldn't try The Black Garden again because it's a) going to be a tough market to crack (wimp!), b) could fill up while I'm still writing, and c) I know the editor has sent out requests for subs to well-known authors. Ah, but then, I kind of got another idea, soooo... Working on something as I type (literally - must stop procrastinating). I'm only 238 words in so it may come to nothing.

Oh, and thank you to everyone who headed over to Every Day Fiction last week to read my wee story. Much appreciated.


Fox Lee said...

My story was rejected. I should have known I'd miss the mark. I love the premise of the anthology, but it doesn't play to my strengths.

Live and learn!

Mary said...

New windows and doors = more mess than moving. But I bet they look gorgeous!

Anonymous said...

I subbed a second story the The Black Garden, too. I liked it much better than my first but I think it's still not what he was looking for.

Best of luck with your new story!

Aaron Polson said...

Good luck with story two; writers have to be resilient.

Felicity Dowker said...

Good luck with the second sub, I'll be watching to see how you go. :)

Cate Gardner said...

Thanks, guys! And good luck to everyone going in for a second try.

K.C. Shaw said...

Spooky front door? Sounds like a story idea to me. :)

Good luck with the new story!