Okay, this is my regular 2008 what I achieved last month post.
1. Finished my children's novel THE POISONED APPLE - woo-hoo! And to cap it off, have almost finished the synopsis - currently at draft number six or seven.
2. Sent Lucy Baxter & The Evil Emporium back off on its travels to two publishers this time.
3. Signed the contract for and proof-read 'The Shoes, the Giant, and the Wizard of...' which will appear in the Strange Worlds of Lunacy anthology. The picture at top left is the artwork for the cover - excited, some.
4. Completed four short stories:-
The Collectors - Submitted to Doorways Magazine.
Yee-Haw! - Submitted to OMG! The Book of Awesome Stuff anthology.
The Old Hubert Place - Has amassed the grand total of one rejection from the Bloody October Anthology and is now sitting on the desk of, or hiding in the computer of, Afterburn SF.
Science Fiction - A bit of fun written on 'Black Tuesday', when everything that could go wrong went wrong. Will probably post on my blog sometime this decade.
5. Begun work on my next project, a novella titled 'The Eurydice Satellite', which is a blend of horror & sci-fi.
And that as they say, was February... Hope yours was as productive.
Well done, Cate. You've been far far more productive than I have.
Good-looking blog, clear and legible but still atmospheric.
Thanks for visiting aliqot.
Yeah, you're making me look like I'm stuck in neutral. Thanks!
Nicely done, Cate. Looking forward to reading The Poisoned Apple!
Cheers, Thomas.
Wow. I feel like such a slug in comparison.
Wow. you da...woMAN.
I can't seem to get anything done but work these days. I got stories I wanna write, but I can't seem to get to them (much less that horror novel I'm supposed to be working on). Stupid job.
Hi Jeff
I'm guessing one of the stories you've got to write is a Harvest Hill one. I'm working on a story for the anthology at the moment - jeez, it's going to be tough going getting in.
Actually, I'm thinking of adapting one of my other stories if I can't find a home for it. Otherwise, I'm stumped on something for that one.
Oh, my gosh, Catherine--We haven't even passed the first quarter yet! Good luck with your submissions!
congrats on the SWOL sale.
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