Wednesday 5 March 2008

Listing Ships & Leaking Radiators

Ah, inspiration. That magical, sometimes unexplainable thing.

So I started off today with the aim of working on my short story for the Graveside Tales anthology set in the fictional town of Harvest Hill. And perhaps to spend a little time working on my novella, which is stuck at the red light. Damn you Eurydice.

And then came the title for today's blog post ie Listing Ships (in that I woke up this morning and headed in the opposite direction to my alarm clock, having lost control of my legs, head and well, everything. I looked like a drunk. What happened? Heck if I know) and Leaking Radiators (yep, the radiator in my hallway leaked green stuff overnight). Next up, I figured that as work was quiet I'd try to write something for Permuted Press' Robots Beyond anthology, so I started work on Bob's Spares & Repairs. And then, oh yes there is always an, and then... I figured why write one robot story when you can write two, and so Listing Ships was born. And it's two characters - Leaking & Radiator.

When I go off track, I do it big style.


God said...

Speaking of robots...

You are a MACHINE!

I'm in complete awe in how many different projects you can tackle at once. I've got one and it's keeping me up at night. I'm going to try and do double duty this spring with two projects and I don't know if I'll be able to do it.

You are my hero.

Cate Gardner said...

Less robot, more short attention span...

Jeff Parish said...

Quite nice!

Anonymous said...

I am far too familiar with wandernig off track. But sometimes it helps to step away from certain projects to get the creative juices flowing in another. Thanks for swinging by my page and kudos on the blog; it looks amazing!

Jennifer Oberth said...

It's amazing how you can use anything 'baddish' that happens in life and turn it into creative fodder.