Saturday 2 February 2008

And that was January...

This should have been posted yesterday, but as I only thought of doing it today, it wasn't... Okay, this is my, what I achieved (or didn't achieve) last month post.

1. Completed 10,932 words of The Poisoned Apple - Catherine procrastinates way too much and must do better.

2. Submitted Lucy Baxter & The Evil Emporium to nine agents. Eight rejections received so far - The Gods must do better.

3. Completed a picture book (actually sent two out - but the first was written over the Christmas period) - sent to 5 publishers in all - 1 rejection - 4 submissions still out there.

4. Completed three short stories: -

The Shoes, The Giant and The Wizard of... Accepted by The Silly Fantasy Anthology - making me a member of the Silly Fantasy Club - hence picture top left.

If you go down to... This has amassed a grand total of two rejections (in the space of a month - I so love email submissions), and after a rewrite, submitted to 7th Dimension.

Frog & The Mail Order Bride. Submitted to Eneit Press' Voices Anthology. Won't hear back on this one until after May 1st.

5. Completed first draft of a short story - Little Frozen Timmy O'Leary - which I think may become something larger - ie my next Children's novel. I have a few ideas sketched out and a title (which I'm keeping under wraps for the moment), so we'll see...

6. And ended the month - 700+ words into another, as yet untitled, short story.

Must say, I'm glad I decided to post the above. I thought I hadn't achieved much - I entered January expecting to complete the redraft of The Poisoned Apple, but as you can see I got waylaid by other projects - but it seems I did.

Here's to a word-filled February.


Kate said...

Wow, that's quite a list! It makes me feel positively lazy. Well done!

Cate Gardner said...

Thanks Kate - I recommend making a list to everyone, as I think we all feel we haven't achieved anything. I felt sure I'd win Procrastinator of the Month until I compiled it...

Angela said...

Great work in January!

Glad you liked the pics...not sure if it was the gingerbread house or the roasted chestnuts that made you hungry?

Wendy Withers said...

Good job! I submitted a short story to a magazine (the first I've submitted to a magazine in years) and am waiting patiently for my rejection (I mean patiently to become a writing superstar).

Cate Gardner said...

Hi Angela - 100% the Gingerbread House.

Good luck with your submission Wendy.