This should have been posted yesterday, but as I only thought of doing it today, it wasn't... Okay, this is my, what I achieved (or didn't achieve) last month post.
1. Completed 10,932 words of The Poisoned Apple - Catherine procrastinates way too much and must do better.
2. Submitted Lucy Baxter & The Evil Emporium to nine agents. Eight rejections received so far - The Gods must do better.
3. Completed a picture book (actually sent two out - but the first was written over the Christmas period) - sent to 5 publishers in all - 1 rejection - 4 submissions still out there.
4. Completed three short stories: -
The Shoes, The Giant and The Wizard of... Accepted by The Silly Fantasy Anthology - making me a member of the Silly Fantasy Club - hence picture top left.
If you go down to... This has amassed a grand total of two rejections (in the space of a month - I so love email submissions), and after a rewrite, submitted to 7th Dimension.
Frog & The Mail Order Bride. Submitted to Eneit Press' Voices Anthology. Won't hear back on this one until after May 1st.
5. Completed first draft of a short story - Little Frozen Timmy O'Leary - which I think may become something larger - ie my next Children's novel. I have a few ideas sketched out and a title (which I'm keeping under wraps for the moment), so we'll see...
6. And ended the month - 700+ words into another, as yet untitled, short story.
Must say, I'm glad I decided to post the above. I thought I hadn't achieved much - I entered January expecting to complete the redraft of The Poisoned Apple, but as you can see I got waylaid by other projects - but it seems I did.
Here's to a word-filled February.
Wow, that's quite a list! It makes me feel positively lazy. Well done!
Thanks Kate - I recommend making a list to everyone, as I think we all feel we haven't achieved anything. I felt sure I'd win Procrastinator of the Month until I compiled it...
Great work in January!
Glad you liked the pics...not sure if it was the gingerbread house or the roasted chestnuts that made you hungry?
Good job! I submitted a short story to a magazine (the first I've submitted to a magazine in years) and am waiting patiently for my rejection (I mean patiently to become a writing superstar).
Hi Angela - 100% the Gingerbread House.
Good luck with your submission Wendy.
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