Wednesday 2 January 2008

We've been here before...

Every year I write a list of my writing goals for the coming year and on the whole I complete all (with the exception of the irksome - must get an agent and a book deal this year - but I perserve and have added it to my list again).

My resolutions - beware 'tis a long list.

1. To finish my childrens novel 'The Poisoned Apple'.

2. To write a further book in my Lucy Baxter series and a further two in the above Poisoned Apple series. I mean why settle for just one when you can have three...

3. To write a horror novella (idea only so far sketched out on a few pages of a notepad).

4. To complete a redraft of my horror novel (all 141,000 ish words of it) The Maiden Phoenix.

5. To finally get to work on my horror novel 'Dead Girl Rising'... Something that has been on the back burner for like forever... Or if not (there I go, shying away from the project again), to complete a first draft of a horror novel.

6. And of course - to finally, god willing, praise be, etc etc etc - that golden ticket of a book deal... I am nothing if not an optimist.

An excellent word filled year to all.


Kappa no He said...

Great list! Isn't it funny how finding dream agent/dream book deal always makes the list? Won't it be nice when you (we) can cross those off?

God said...

Dang...and I thought I was ambitious! Good luck in all your endeavors!

You can do it!

Cate Gardner said...

Thanks guys - Cate :)

Mary said...

Hoping you cross off everything on that list!

2008 is going to be great!!!