Caught a fab new show last night on 'E4' -
REAPER. From the US of course. A dark comedy in which a 21 year old discovers his parents sold his soul to the Devil before he was born. Some wonderful laugh out loud moments - he reluctantly becomes the Devil's bounty hunter and has to track down souls that have escaped Hell. He sends them back by means of, of all things, a 'Dirt Devil'... The best bit - when he and his buddy kit themselves out in things from a DIY store (very Ghostbusters) - including smoke alarms. CLASSIC!
I'm a member of The Silly Club - check out the below award - which is issued to all writers featuring in the upcoming Silly Fantasy Anthology... Cool! Plus it adds a nice little picture, to my seriously picture-deficient blog posts. Must get me a digital camera...
I'm glad to see we'll be sharing the TOC in the anthology! I'm looking forward to reading your piece too!
an- Congrats on the silly acceptance. Looking forward to reading your piece.
Thanks for visiting my blog - looks like it's going to be a fab anthology.
Congrats on being silly! :)
And is that what Reaper was about? I watched the first episode and then because of personal scheduling (read: kids) I forgot all about it. I might have to see if I can find it again.
Reaper's a great show, isn't it? Stupid writer's strike.
Ed - You have to see it (she says having only watched one episode)...
Jeff - Oh no, I'm guessing from your comment that Reaper is in hiatus due to the Writer's Strike. GULP!
You guess correctly!
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