Thursday 18 October 2007

13 days to NaNo and a Rotting Apple

Thirteen days until NaNo starts. EEK!

Thirteen days until the apocalypse begins...

No plot line yet (and no plan to form one either), no ending or middle, only the decision the book will start on day one of the apocalypse with no pre-amble. Straight in with the action (as inspired by the beginning of an idea I wrote for the 'Two Paragraphs' group on Writers' Dock).

No characters - names or description - this I have to correct before Nov 1st or the page is just going to be tumbleweed blowing in the wind.

No title - three possibles jotted onto the front page of my notebook but none of them seeming right just yet (Anonymity / Fractured / Dead Spaces).

Thankfully, the first draft of The Poisoned Apple should be finished by October 31st. Added a new character yesterday - Ignacious Tuesday - father of Gloomy. And my characters today have had some problems with rotting apples... So long as my apple doesn't go rotten during the NaNo break all will be fine.


Anonymous said...

Good luck, I'm almost in the same position as you, though got a couple of scenes floating in my head.

Virginia Lee said...

Well, I've decided to do my mystery during NaNoWriMo. That way I figure I'll be among many of my writing peers. Meanwhile, the Universe is sending me all sorts of fodder for me to store and compute in this addled brain o' mine so I'll be ready to write like a madwoman.

Cate Gardner said...

Good luck guys :) 12 days now and counting.

Wendy Withers said...

So far, I have one page of notes, where I break down the characters and connect them together. I think I'm going to add one or two new characters, though. I'm nowhere near done with the novel I'm currently working on.

God said... tempting as it is to get into the fray and hack out a book, I think I'm sitting this one out. I need to red-pen Goodhalo during November so that I can get it all pretty-like for it's journey out into the world.

Good luck, CatePhoenix and everyone else.

Anonymous said...

Nice blog! Good luck to you too. :)

Jennifer Oberth said...

I can't wait to see how everyone gets going - I'm a planner so I've got a whole bunch of characters fleshed out and a plot - though I need a second plot. I love how everyone approaches nanowrimo differently - Good luck to everyone!