Saturday 23 May 2020

Read 2020 - 55 - Caught by Harlan Coben

She tried to hold the crazy back.
But it was like holding back an ocean with your bare hands. 

I am a big fan of Harlan Coben - I may have said this before. I especially love the Myron Bolitar books and it is apt to mention them here. Windsor Horne Lockwood III appears in Caught three times, and because of my previous association with him (from the Bolitar books), I found his presence a little distracting from the storyline. Also a little convenient.

This is a book about forgiveness. A teenager is missing, a suspected pedophile has escaped justice, and a group of ex-college buddies are being blackmailed. There are many haunting secrets in this twisting and turning story, multiple threads wearing a complicated tapestry.

I enjoyed and never thought I'd say this - it could do with less Win.

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