Friday 6 March 2020

Read 2020 - 27 - Edge of Dark Water by Joe R Lansdale

He's a big old colored man that's more red than black, with
twisty red hair; he wears it wild, like a bush. They
say he keeps a dried-up bluebird hanging in it.
He's got dark eyes as dead and flat as
coat buttons.
I bought Joe R Lansdale's Edge of Dark Water at the World Fantasy Convention in Brighton, 2013. This is the second book I've read this year that I purchased there. It's signed by the legend himself. This is the first Lansdale book that I've read - although I have seen the Hap & Leonard television series, which I loved.
I sped through this tale of murder and escape set in America's deep-south. The voices just sang off the page. Fully recommend this book. 

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