Monday 3 February 2020

Read 2020 - 14 - Interzone #276

Another issue of Interzone - at this rate I'll be done with my back supply in no time. Although, I will have to insist that Dom picks a back issue of Black Static soon. As this issue dates from July 2018, it's obvious how long it has sat collecting dust. In fact, there was enough to create a dust bunny (no photos as it ran away with dust carrot).

This issue starts with an excellent editorial from Bonnie Jo Stufflebeam, who also has a story in the magazine. My favourites this issue were:

Superbright by Ryan Row
...the pale desert of her chest dotted with moles like negative stars.
There are so many quotable lines in this story of superheroes, villains and a mother and son relationship. Excellent, inventive and a little bit beautiful.

PQ by James Warner
This intriguing story of an ant collective (colony) could easily sit in the pages of Black Static. A researcher discovers a new species of ant who make art from certain found items.

So Easy by Bonnie Jo Stufflebeam
I counted the constellations of misshapen black moles across his body.
I appear to be drawn to the darker stories in this issue. This is an apocalyptic coming-of-age story.

Eyes by Paul Crenshaw
A beautiful story about seeing the world through other people's eyes.

I read this issue while decorating our bedroom. It proved good, relaxing company - well, maybe not so relaxed with the ants or the apocalypse, little things like that.

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