Sunday 5 January 2020

Made for the Dark - John Llewellyn Probert

A new year's resolution - to review more of the books I read. That said, here is a review of the first book I have read this year.


‘There lived a girl who was the recipient of the grief of all mankind’.

Each story in this collection begins with a Twilight Zone style introduction and it’s very effective (especially when you imagine it read with JLP’s enthusiasm).

The story ‘Scattered Ashes’ opens the collection. ‘The girl was beautiful, at the beginning…’ Four mysterious men hire a private detective in this wicked tale of murder and revenge. Favourite stories include ‘It Begins at Home’, questioning what you would do to make money in extreme financial circumstances. A tale full of dread. The creepy ‘A Taste of Honey, A Horror of Stone’ that left me thinking freaking hell. Seriously, dude. In contrast, ‘The Life Inspector’ is quite light-hearted for me if not for the character. ‘Girlfriend School’ is about a first date that goes very badly. In ‘The Girl with no Face’ we find that sometimes the people we meet are more dangerous than we are.

Finally, ‘The Girl in the Glass’, my favourite of favourite stories in the collection, an unnerving tale of an unusual haunting.

I would link to where you can buy it - Black Shuck Books - but I suspect that all 50 copies of this limited edition are long gone.

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