Sunday 19 April 2015

Shadow Moths

"<a href="">Butterfly Green-underside Blue - Glaucopsyche alexis 01</a>" by <a href="//" title="User:Zcebeci">Zeynel Cebeci</a> - <span class="int-own-work" lang="en">Own work</span>. Licensed under <a href="" title="Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0">CC BY-SA 4.0</a> via <a href="//">Wikimedia Commons</a>.

I'm delighted to announce that Caroline Callaghan of Frightful Horrors has excepted two of my short stories - Blood Moth Kiss and We make our own Monsters here.  They will be published as a mini-bite on Kindle in June/July this year. The title of the mini-collection is Shadow Moths. Both stories are previously unpublished.

In almost as exciting news, I've finally rearranged my study. This means, SKY allowing, that I will have proper internet access again and will be able to blog (hello, world) and keep up with submitting stories. If I actually have any to send out that is. I have one out in the Land of Please, one in my inbox in the Doom of No, and three in scrap form that need to be typed up, edited etc etc etc.

Image courtesy of wikicommons.


Simon Kewin said...

That's great news. Many congrats, Cate.

Cate Gardner said...

Thank you :)