Sunday 5 August 2012

The Carnival is Over

It appears my glorious two weeks off work have whittled down to this last day. I'm not certain how that happened. Okay, I know how that happened but some of it is a blur and some of it deliciously highlighted in its wonderfulness. Back to reality tomorrow.

Ugh! (Uttered like a caveman in pain)

The plan for today (should I ever escape the endless loop of Twitter and Facebook) is to work on my novella/novel, which I haven't touched since Tuesday. My first week off work I wrote, wrote, wrote. The second week not so much, but that doesn't matter as I was out having adventures. One of those adventures included going to a Terror Scribes meeting in Manchester yesterday. I always feel so brave going to events because I can be incredibly shy. Annoyingly shy. God help me at Fantasycon--I shall have to get drunk on candy floss. At Terror Scribes, people were lovely and welcoming, and luckily I went with Simon Bestwick so that helped the nerves a little.

Now I shall go play with some ghosts, including a malicious one who appears to be channelling Willy Wonka.


Anthony Rapino said...

Ugh, I hate when vacations end. It's the pits. Now get back to writing! ;-)

Diana said...

LOL ... a malicious ghost channeling Willy Wonka. I love that image. :)

Simon Kewin said...

Say hi to the ghosts. I'm just back from 2 weeks away myself and I've written more or less nothing. How do you do it again?

Cate Gardner said...

Will do, Anthony

Thanks, Diana

I have no idea, Simon