Thursday 16 August 2012


I am beyond delighted to announce that my story 'The Binding of Memories' has been accepted by Shimmer magazine.

For me, Shimmer was a bucket list goal and I sent them a decent weight of stories. In fact, I may have drowned several Shimmer slush readers beneath the weight of them.

Note: This story includes cake and in no way did I mean to bribe editor, E. Catherine Tobler, by mentioning said cake. It is a coincidence that she adores cake. Frankly, most people adore cake.


Unknown said...

Very cool news, Cate. Congrats.

Simon said...

Congratulations, hun. I know you really wanted to get a story in there. Awesome as ever. :)

Simon Kewin said...

Well done! You give me hope. They've resisted me so far...

Anonymous said...


Cate Gardner said...

Thank you :D

Deborah Walker said...

Outstanding news, Cate.