Sunday 20 May 2012

No Flies on Me

Issue 3 of The Journal of Unlikely Entomology is now live and contains my story The Familiar Buzz of Gone, a tale of missed opportunities and a man made of flies. The issue also contains stories by Amanda C Davis (a reprint from Shock Totem and a story I love), J M McDermott, Silvia Moreno-Garcia, Conor Powers-Smith, Steven L Peck, and Juliet Kemp. As well as reading the stories online you can also download the PDF (for those who'd prefer to read on their ereader).

I know what I'm reading this week. Oh, and even if you don't have time to read all the stories you have to check out the artwork for each tale because the art is astounding.

And in other Journal of Unlikely Entomology news, the magazine was a runner-up for best new online magazine in the storySouth Million Writers Award


Michael Stone said...

Cracking story, Cate - very Gardner-ish. :) And I see what you mean about the site. Very shiny. Love the artwork.

Cate Gardner said...

Thanks, Mike

Simon Kewin said...

Great stuff, Cate. 'Tis a fine magazine. There aren't enough men made of flies in my view.

Cate Gardner said...

Thanks, Simon

Alison said...

Thank you again for sending us your story. We're delighted to have The Familiar Buzz of Gone appear in our (virtual) pages!

Cate Gardner said...

Thanks, Alison

Deborah Walker said...

Oh I adore, JUE. See how fluently I use the abbreviation. Great story, Cate, and a wonderful illustration.

I'm so bored of my current story, that I shall start a new one immediately in the hopes of joining you.

Deborah Walker said...

I'm going to pick a really weird insect. Not an ant, although I like ants very much indeed, and they are quite weird.

Cate Gardner said...

You're weird, Deborah. Wonderfully weird.

K.C. Shaw said...

Marvelously fly-ish story!

Anthony Rapino said...

Awesome, have to go take a look! :-)

Deborah Walker said...

Thanks, Cate! I remembered an ant reprint, and I sent it.

Cate Gardner said...

Thanks Kate & Tony.

Good luck, Deborah.

Katey said...

Urgh I bookmarked this last week and only just now read it. WHY DID I WAIT SO LONG!

Cate, only you can make dirty madness so poetic. Loved it. Gorgeous and... now I keep hearing buzzing everywhere...

Cate Gardner said...

Thanks for reading, Katey. I have so many stories bookmarked and feel guilty that I haven't got to them yet.