Tuesday 8 May 2012

British Fantasy Awards

The British Fantasy Society has announced the shortlist for the British Fantasy Awards. They'll be awarded at Fantasycon in September. You can find the full list over at the BFS site.

Stoked to see so many awesome people nominated including Simon Bestwick, Simon Marshall Jones for Spectral Press, Robert Shearman, Angela Slatter, Peter Tennant, Daniele Serra, Gary Fry, Johnny Mains, Conrad Williams and Adam Nevill.

Guess I shall have to stay for the awards ceremony.


Simon Kewin said...

Yep, a shining list. Still trying to see if I can make the conference myself...

Anonymous said...

What? Your name isn't on the list?

Cate Gardner said...

I shall keep my fingers crossed that you join us at the conference, Simon.

Goodness no, Milo.

Pete said...

>>Guess I shall have to stay for the awards ceremony

That's great! In the highly unlikely event that I win, I was wondering who I'd ask to accept on my behalf :-)

Cate Gardner said...

Now that's a dangerous thought.