Wednesday 18 April 2012

Tiny Martians, SleepMakers and Other Things

I'm having a strange old day.

There has been sadness (attended my uncle's funeral).
There has been madness (in work just after seven, then left at ten, then travelled by foot, train and car to the funeral and then by car, train and foot back into work which I eventually left at four.)
There has been gladness (awesome emails full of awesomeness, which included...)

An acceptance from Goldfish Grimm's Spicy Fiction Sushi for my story Through Bleached Bone, a futuristic tale set in a universe just left of ours, populated by SleepMakers and Ghost Beasts and good friends. Previous issues have included stories by Kurt Newton, Jaym Gates, Adam Israel and Carrie Cuinn.

Today has also been the day of the mega-huge barmcake full of fattening corned beef and mayo and red onion and alas a slight dip in my diet. But no chocolate. Although, I'm not certain there was room left for chocolate. Seriously, tiny Martians could have used the barmcake as a spaceship.


Aaron Polson said...

Here's comfort for your sadness...
Here's a bit of calm for the madness...
And congratulations for the gladness (and the acceptance).

Cate Gardner said...

Thanks, Aaron

Anthony Rapino said...

I'm very sorry to hear about your uncle, but very happy to hear of your acceptance. Strange old day indeed.

Simon Kewin said...

Sounds like a days of ups and downs. Congrats and condolences. Surely there should always be room for chocolate though?

Kara McElhinny said...

dark chocolate is healthy-er than most... should you decide to dive into the chocolate bin.

congrats on the acceptance, cate and sympathies for your loss.

K.C. Shaw said...

Congratulations on the story! I'm sorry to hear about your uncle. Maybe you should have rounded the day out with a roller-coaster ride (although before eating and not after).

Cate Gardner said...

Thanks, Tony

There should be, Simon

Thanks, Kara

Me and roller coaster rides don't mix, Kate.