Wednesday 1 February 2012

What I did in January (and other odd things)

I wrote a story about a puppeteer (Yellow Bird Strings) and it found a home (A Season in Carcosa anthology)
I wrote a strange little tale about even littler people, betrayal and loss (The Mechanical Heart of Him)
Monster Colours is a hibernating work in progress with a first draft full of graffiti and sacrifice.

Those are the shorts.

Completed the plan for Cobweb Strings of the Rotting House (a 'to be' novel*) and have so far scratched out 4,296 words. Hit a stumbling block when my protagonist slipped back in time to her ten year old self and we are currently searching for her ten year old voice. So far we have excitement, marionettes and rotten mattresses.

Completed the plan for Wicked, Full of Promises (a 'to be' novella*) and I'm just over a 1,000 words into it. This is the one that has me ensnared at the moment. It's kind of an Orpheus in this world, and I've stolen parts of my city and littered it with broken jukeboxes and I'm stealing my childhood home and pretty much destroying the streets of my childhood.

Those are the longer things that at the moment are not so very long at all.

- I also booked tickets for my first ever convention.
- Attended an event in Liverpool where I a) met up with a friend and b) stared wide-eyed and petrified at other folk.
- Took an online self-confidence test that claimed I was semi-confident and thus I cried bullshit.
- Ate chocolate, vowed never to eat chocolate again, ate more chocolate, vowed never to eat Cadbury's chocolate anymore, bought a creme egg.
- Watched so many episodes of Fringe that there are almost none left to watch. I  Joshua Jackson.
- Bought books. Read less books than I bought.
- Scurried across the blogverse with my Travelling Theatrical Tour. Now I'm relaxing in the tent and the audience and acts have gone home.


Ray said...

Ditto regarding Mr Jackson. If he could play a character in a movie adaptation of one of your stories, which character would he be?

Mihai A. said...

You had a very busy January. Now you just tease us with your works we cannot read. Yet! :)
I also buy a lot of books without much chance to read them all. I don't believe that I can be cured of it though ;)

Cate Gardner said...

Oh my, now that's a question Ray. I'm going to say my current WIP and I'm now going to write a scene where he has to take his shirt off ;)

I don't think any of us will ever be cured, Mihai :D

Aaron Polson said...

You must be exhausted from January. All that touring!

Best of luck on the WIPs, Cate. The world needs more great stories!

Cate Gardner said...

I'm always exhausted, Aaron. :D

Anthony Rapino said...

Whoa...why are you so productive!? :-)

Cate Gardner said...

If you think that's productive then I need to come around kick your ass and while I'm there, please kick mine.

Harry Markov said...

Oh, you were busy. That is so majorly productive. I bet you had someone threaten you with a taser and have coffee injected in your veins to get this month moving. Good job, you. Next time, I am so totally volunteering to be on your tour. I demand this!

Katey said...

Oh god, I adore Orpheus stories. Cannot wait!

An excellent January, both for accomplishment and chocolate.

Ellie Garratt said...

You've been busy! But sounds as if it was a very productive month. Good luck with the tour.

Jeff Coffield said...

That's alot of work in the month. You have more fortitude than I can muster.

Good for you, you profess to be human and have weaknesses like choclate and Joshua Jackson.

Jukeboxes, hmmm?

Cate Gardner said...

I run on chocolate, Harry

Me too, Katey

Thanks, Ellie

I think everyone should have a weakness for Joshua Jackson, Jeff

Simon Kewin said...

Another spectacular month. You do know that books rot if you don't read them don't you? Seriously, the words fade away from lack of use ...

Cate Gardner said...

:O I'm working on a horror story and that's the scariest thing I've read all day.