Monday 6 February 2012

Being Human

I guess I should start this post with a gigantic...

*SPOILER ALERT* case you're in the US and haven't watched any of the UK episodes of Being Human yet (I say yet because seriously I suspect our Being Human kicks your Being Human's ass - hey where'd everyone go!) or haven't caught up with last night's episode.

So it was the first episode of season four, that is, the season without the dirty pretty Mitchell, and George was leaving too, so would I love it as much as previously? So far, that's an unequivocal yes, but... George was still a major part of the episode until the end (sob!). Good death scene (you who just hit the screen - I told you to read no further) for George. Appreciated the humour surrounding the supporting cast of vampires. Not so certain about the whole girl from the future thing (thought she was Eve, guess she isn't), George's replacement is okay (used to him from the last series), not certain about the new vampire yet, didn't like the new ghost at all. Looking forward to the next episode.

*End Spoiler Alert*


Anthony Rapino said...

Gah! Why don't I EVER listen to spoiler alerts!

I'm a purist when it comes to books being made into movies (I have to read the book first), so the same goes for British shows being redone for America.

I watched all 3 seasons of the UK Being Human in something like 3 or 4 weeks. Loved it. *Really* loved it.

I'm now also watching the American version. Once it broke away from simply reoing the UK versions (which it did for a lot of the 1st season), it actually got quite good as well.

I prefer UK Mitchel and Annie, but I prefer the American George (Josh).

Yeah, funny thing, they changed all the names for some peculiar reason...

Deborah Walker said...

And True Blood was on TV last night, too. About time.

Ray said...

I only caught a few of the first series recently. I'm ashamed to say I dismissed it out of hand when I heard about it but was very pleasantly surprised. Now it's on my list of box sets to buy (just as soon as I finish The Wire).

Cate Gardner said...

There's always one, Anthony. Book yourself in for a mind wipe. I'd heard they changed the names for the US. I'll be giving the US version a go when it hits these shores.

I actually gave up on True Blood in season one, Deborah :O

Yes, you must buy it, Ray. I think I've made a similar faux pas with The Fades.

K.C. Shaw said...

I watched the US version last year up until the very last episode, where for some reason I lost interest. Then yesterday they ran a marathon of last season and the first three shows of this season, and I watched that last episode I missed last year...and got sucked in again. So now I can't wait to see the new episode tonight.

I've heard the UK version is better than the US version. I'll watch it eventually.

Cate Gardner said...

You'll love Mitchell, Kate

Anthony Rapino said...

Well, I knew George would be leaving the show from reading stuff on the net; I just didn't know *how* he'd be leaving.

*Mind wipe*

I have to check if these eps are airing here already as well, or if I have to wait on it...

K.C. Shaw said...

Is Mitchell the vampire character? His name's Aiden in the US version (it doesn't make a bit of sense that they changed the names). He's my favorite in the US version too.

Andrea Allison said...

I love Mitchell. I can't believe he's gone. It's so sad.

The new season of the UK version doesn't start airing here until the end of February. So, we have a few weeks more to wait.

Kimbra Kasch said...

YIKES!!! I shouldn't have read it but I've never been good with temptation.

And you're right. Our US Being Human "sucks" literally. I love the dirty Mitchell - who always looks like he needs to wash his hair. So tired of the "vampire look" that's anything but . . .

My husband read ahead and was dying to tell me what was going to happen because we watch the UK version on Netflix. I wouldn't let him tell me. Now, I know and he's going to be super pissed that he didn't get to ruin the surprise for me :(

Cate Gardner said...

Yep, Mitchell is the vampire in the UK version, Kate

I hope you didn't read my blog post, Andrea

Oh no, Kim. Although, I knew what was going to happen and it didn't spoil my enjoyment.

Wendy Withers said...

I have seen 1/4 of the first episode of the American version and the first two seasons of the BBC version. I like British television more than American television in just about everything.