Friday 28 October 2011

Not NaNoWriMo

It's almost November.

It's almost time for NaNoWriMo and this year, I'm not participating.

Thank goodness for that.

Last year's NaNoWriMo book (Museum of Impossible Artefacts or Ghosts of Folding Time or whatever title I left it at) is still an unholy mess of time travel, ghosts, giant robots, abandoned streets, sinister future people, the grim reaper who isn't the grim reaper but does a really good job at being the grim reaper, ghost ships, zeppelins, kidnapping and disappearing houses. I should pick two of the above and start again with the thing and maybe I will, but not on Tuesday in particular, and not to be completed within 30 days. And hey, for fun, tell me which two of the above I should pick and run with. Or not. Or maybe I'll just keep them all.

Off to the Twisted Tales House of Fear event at Waterstones tonight. Maybe it'll inspire me.


Aaron Polson said...

I haven't done NaNo in a few years, and doubt I'll return. It's a rush--of insanity. While I can sit down and hammer out a book in 30 Days, it doesn't necessarily bode well for that book...

Simon said...

Me, I'd go for the ghosts and the zeppelins, but that's because I love airships. See ya at Caffe Nero.... :)

K.C. Shaw said...

That...that sounds like the perfect book to me. *breaks down and weeps that you're not going to publish it*

Mary Rajotte said...

I'm all for disappearing houses (to start with).

And I'm one of the mad ones doing Nano again, for the 5th year in a row. 3 failures to complete. Let's hope it is not a repeat of those performances.

Unknown said...

I haven't participated yet and don't plan to start.

Besides, at the rate you've been churning out the literary goodness this year, do you really need one month of frenetic writing? Looks like you've got 12.

Anthony Rapino said...

Abandoned streets and disappearing houses seems to go well together. Tony like.

Nano can kiss my rear. I liked the idea of it, but it never quite worked out for me.

Cate Gardner said...

Aaron, Theatre was a NaNo book which should mean I'm rather partial to NaNo but I'm not.

I suspected as much, Simon

Apologies, Kate (but it is rather a mess).

Me too, Mary (disappearing houses that is). Good luck.

OMG! Gef, I so have you fooled. I haven't written nearly enough this year.

Me and NaNo are friends that fell out, Anthony