Friday 9 September 2011

Beware: You Could Lose Time Here

Depending on your view the following broadcast is either Link Heaven or Link Hell...

First, Nowhere Hall received three new reviews this week...

"Full of the kind of familiar yet insidious imagery that gives you weird dreams days after you’ve read the book, ‘Nowhere Hall’ made sure that there was no doubt that I’d finish it off and I’ll be sure to look for Cate Gardner’s name on the shelves in the future." Graeme Flory over at Graeme's Fantasy Book Review.

"Nowhere Hall is full of great noirish atmosphere and  powerful  and bizarre images worthy of David Lynch." Paul D Brazill over at You Would Say That, Wouldn't You?

"Nowhere Hall is an exemplar, a masterclass in writing noir fiction. In particular of a story that creeps up on you using a psychological skewer." Geoff Nelder, and you can read the review at the Spectral Press website.

Secondly, here are some awesome blog posts I stumbled upon this week...

Jay Lake talks about Drafting Speed, and the perils thereof and how the only writer you can compare yourself to is you (excellent quote).

DeAnna Knippling talks about inspiration and your butt here. Not my butt, or her butt, your butt. And the awesome (my favourite non-speculative fiction writer) Harlan Coben writes on the same subject over at The Wall Street Journal. (Second link courtesy of Robert Swartwood).

Gef Fox has an excellent post on buying books at a book store.

And finally, don't forget to check out Jonathan Pinnock's guest post on this here blog...


Aaron Polson said...

You deserve every glowing thing those reviewers have to say. Keep being strange.

Simon said...

Hell, yes. What Aaron said. So when's DeAnna going to write a blog about your butt? Enquiring minds want to know. ;-)

(ve = ovene. I'm sure that means something...)

Cate Gardner said...

Me! Strange! You must have me confused, I am completely normal, Aaron, as Simon can confirm.

Seriously Simon, that would be a horror tale.

Corinne said...

Holy! Those are some NICE reviews, Cate. Congrats :)

Katey said...

I need to write one for NH too. I do! I really, really do!

(It's coming on, promise. Crap week, man. I love you, though.)

Cool writing links, too. I love reading about the process other people go through. Like they say, it's nothing like mine, but it just makes me feel less... out there.

Simon said...

Cate, normal? No, that's- OW! NOOOO! STOP! THE PAIN...!

Yes, she's perfectly normal, Aaron. Perfectly. Such a nice, charming lady.

(Cate, could you remove the needles from the voodoo doll now? Ow. Thanks.)


K.C. Shaw said...

Awesome reviews, and richly deserved!

Cate Gardner said...

Thanks, Corinne

Me too, Katey

Only when I've taken over the world, Simon

Thanks, Kate

Deborah Walker said...

Congratulations on the great reviews, Cate. And thanks for the reviews.

I really respect Jay Lake for publishing his word count output. He knows he's going to get flack over it, but he does it anyway.

Simon Kewin said...

Great reviews, Cate - you must be delighted.

Cate Gardner said...

Thanks, Deborah

Thanks, Simon