Tuesday 30 August 2011

September 22nd

Coming soon to an inbox near you... Here's the line up for this month's Daily Science Fiction stories and the dates they'll be delivered to your email (assuming you're a subscriber), and they'll be available to read online a week after email distribution. I'm especially looking forward  to Amanda C Davis and Ken Liu's stories.

1 September: "Dragons" by Mahon Wakefield
2 September: "Now Until" by Jonathan Fredrick Parks
5 September: "Everlasting" by Fran Wilde
6 September: "Losing One's Appetite" by Sarina Dorie
7 September: "Modification or Mutation: 8 Ways a Parent Can Be Sure" by Marissa Kristine Lingen
8 September: "Test Drive" by Nina Kiriki Hoffman
9 September: "Requiem Duet, Concerto for Flute and Voodoo" by Eugie Foster
12 September: "HETERO3" by Robert Reed
13 September: "Beauty, Deconstructed" by Adam Colston
14 September: "Spiral" by Sarah Stasik
15 September: "In Vivo" by SJ Driscoll
16 September: "The Ritual of Names in Prague in the Last Days of the New Empire" by Bernie Mojzes
19 September: "In Memoriam" by Amanda C. Davis
20 September: "This Always Happens Here" by Richard Larson
21 September: "Ten Speeds at the End of the World" by Guinevere Robin Rowell
22 September: "Exit Stage Life" by Cate Gardner
23 September: "Volition" by Alec Austin
26 September: "The Last Seed" by Ken Liu
27 September: "Regret Incorporated" by Andy and RJ Astruc
28 September: "Totemkill" by Sean Vivier
29 September: "Her Majesty's Guardian" by Donald S. Crankshaw
30 September: "Wonder" by Matthue Roth


Katey said...

Ooooh sooo much goodness to look forward to there!

Also, I got my copy of Nowhere Hall. EEEEEEE!!!! <3

Cate Gardner said...

Woooooot! And shouldn't you be in bed.

Simon Kewin said...

Great stuff, Cate - looking forward to September 22nd especially ...

K.C. Shaw said...

Wow! Sept. 22 will be a good day for reading in particular. :)

Amanda C. Davis said...

Hey, you're up on my brother's birthday! :D Looking forward to it!

Aaron Polson said...


Congrats, Cate. (My copy of Nowhere Hall came, too...squee!)

Deborah Walker said...

That's a great line up. Cogratualtions, Cate and Amanda.

Alan W. Davidson said...

Marking Sept 22 on the calendar...

Anthony Rapino said...

Ooooo, and what's this I spy on September 22nd!? :-) Subscribed.