Wednesday 15 June 2011

WIP - Building Bricks

I'm trying a new approach, we'll label it How I Write Method 230. As most of you know, I had a wander along the corridors of Writers Block a couple of weeks ago and to help combat it (and to ensure I don't sit down to a blank screen), I'm building my ideas before I start to write them. And then, in the case of my just completed short story (Glimpses of Beauty through Bleached Bone - 3700 words), I may write some stories out of order. That is, when I'm stuck, I'm jumping to another scene where I know what happens. It worked for Beauty. So today, I am working on building a new short story something to do with perfume and balloons and the Devil.

In other news, there are just 3 copies of Nowhere Hall left. Thank you so much to everyone who has pre-ordered the chapbook. Three copies!!! Scratch that, Nowhere Hall has SOLD OUT! I think I owe quite a few people a drink should I ever meet them.


Anonymous said...

And then there were two copies left.... =)

Aaron Polson said...

What works, works. Writer's block be damned! (Give it one of those devilish balloons)

Anonymous said...

And then there was a very lonely copy waiting to find a good home... =D

Michael Stone said...

Congrats on the success of Nowhere Hall, Cate!

Cate Gardner said...

Simon, you are a marketing machine.

True, Aaron.

Thanks, Mike. :D

Anthony Rapino said...

Congrats on the sell out! Supremely super! :-P

I don't think I'd have the guts to try different ways of writing. I do it the way I do it, and I think I'm stuck doing it this way for better or worse.

Cate Gardner said...

Thanks, Anthony. I say go with whatever works for you.

Deborah Walker said...

Building ideas? How does that work, Cate? I love hearing about process.

Danielle Birch said...

Woot! Luckily I got in and pre-ordered mine yesterday.

Fox Lee said...

Woot! : )

Cate Gardner said...

It usually involves listening to music, scribbling notes and hoping it all makes sense, Deborah.

Thanks, Danielle

:D Natalie

Katey said...

I cannot WAIT to get my copy--also, glad I was around for like the TWO DAYS before it sold out. I would've been pissed to miss it :D


K.C. Shaw said...

I've tried that jump-around approach before, and it does work. Sometimes I get bogged down in transitions. Jumping to the next scene takes care of that!