Tuesday 4 January 2011


Hehehe - you're laughing with me, right? Right?

Hey who groaned at the back.

This productivity business sucks (insert personal preference), but I shall jolly along. Besides, it's kinda funny to get four rejections in four days in a brand new four-day-old year. I could probably take ten days without breaking. Although, I'm classing the rejection count as three because one was from Clarkesworld. I like to think of Clarkesworld as rehab for stories. Somewhere they can rest awhile and learn that no isn't a scary word.

Right, anyone have any tips on how to nail a board to an inbox to stop the mail flowing through. And for telegram enthusiasts (don't tell me if you are one, some things should be kept to yourself) apologies for the comma, I'm sure they weren't allowed (stop)


Unknown said...

Not sure how to help with the nailing a board to the inbox problem. May I suggest a rottweiler chained in front of your inbox, as they tend to discourage unwanted visitors--but encourage rottweilers in heat to come sniffing around. Win some, lose some.

As for rejections. Groan. The one waiting for me was from a pro pay anthology, by a highly respected author/editor, so I can't lament too much.

Unknown said...

I feel your pain. Though I have only had one rejection so far this year, it was literally 12 minutes into the new year.

I can't help but wonder if the timing was related to the disparaging comment the editor left about my story. All the other editors gave the "good" rejections, but not this guy.

Wendy Withers said...

I think there is something to be said about the fact that you received more rejections in the last four days than the number of submissions I sent out in all of last year. One day I will get my act together like you have.

Aaron Polson said...

We will continue, together, through this sorry wasteland of rejections. Onward!

Cate Gardner said...

Pro pay markets don't count, Gef. Well they don't in my book. In fact, I find ways of making almost everything not count. ;)

12 lousy minutes in. That sucks, Tony.

I was so bad at submitting last year, Wendy and decided I had to get my act together. Not regretting it. I think :D

Aaron, I'm going to pin them on a nail. I believe it's therapeutic.

Josh Reynolds said...

I got one myself on the second. So I'm right there with you.

Well, not RIGHT there. Spiritually, I mean. Well, not spiritually. Electrically?

Steven Pirie said...

That's really tough luck...

Cate Gardner said...

Is all that static you, Joshua?

It is, Steven. I may even have sulked for thirty seconds. :D

Barry Napier said...

hey at least you have stuff out there in the ether...which is more than I can say!

Michael Stone said...

Keep smiling. You'll be laughing when those stories find a home.

BTW, love the telegram.

Fox Lee said...

Download as much porn as you can. It tends to frighten the rejections.

Corinne said...

Oh wow -- four in four days SUCKS. Have some sympathy chocolate! I hope they find a home soon. Poor stories.

Anonymous said...

That stinks. I received three rejections yesterday (one referred to my work as "hackneyed")--great way to start out the week.

The good news is you're a seasoned, published author, so you're used to this sort of thing by now. ;]

Jeremy D Brooks said...

I'm with Wendy...I'm 0/0, so Cate is ahead of the game by 4.

Cate Gardner said...

Thanks, Mike.

I'll 'bare' that in mind, Natalie.

Oh no, I can't have any chocolate, Corinne. Unless sympathy chocolate is calore free (it should be).

Well used to it, Milo :D

I win at something, erm... ;)

Katey said...

Ugh, I have so been there--especially with the agent search thing. It's just like smacking your head off a brick wall.

Sympathies, and hopes for a speedy recovery. We allllll feel you.

Cate Gardner said...

All is right with the world today, Katey :D