Tuesday 16 November 2010

The Show Must Go On

No matter how hard going NaNoWriMo feels at times...

...we can do it.

The usual...

Yesterday's Word Count: 2100
Today's Word Count: 2372
Total Word Count: 32,539 + 3350 (other projects)

Things in the past few pages: Ghost ship, Sinister Future People, Hand Holding, Jealousy, Sewers.

And before I go and leave you for a whopping twenty-four or so hours, I have to say check out Joshua Reynold's new Shadow of Dracula blog where you can find information on his Dracula series. So cool.


Fox Lee said...

To victory!

Cate Gardner said...


Aaron Polson said...

Whoa...Cate, you're on the downhill slide (as far as NaNo goes). Whoot!

Josh Reynolds said...

Thanks for the plug!

Katey said...

Whoa, you're way ahead of the curve. (Don't worry, I knocked on wood after I typed that!)

Word verif: catieft. Hmmm.

Cate Gardner said...

Thanks, Aaron. But it's very slippery.

You're welcome, Joshua

Gulp, Katey. I can feel the gremlins crowding around my feet as I type.

Danielle Birch said...

Smashing word count + other projects. Am very impressed :)