Tuesday 26 October 2010

I Heart Vampires (That Bite)

As part of Gef Fox's monster movie marathon week, I have a post over at his blog. Later in the week, you'll find posts from Aaron Polson and Lisa Mannetti. Their posts will not be as inane as mine... I hope.

Okay, time to consume some chocolate, it's been a naff day and I'm still at work (shush, don't tell the boss, I'm here). In the words of Willy Wonka, 'So much time, and so little to do! Strike that, reverse it.' Six days (including today) until NaNoWriMo and counting...


Aaron Polson said...

Me too...especially if they live in drafty ol' places like castles or caves.

Fox Lee said...

Ying bought me a butt-load of candy. I'll save it for Halloween, but I'm only postponing the inevitable. Kids never come here ; )

Cate Gardner said...

:D Aaron

I fear the kids will eat all our sweets. You open the door for one and then they begin to flock. I suspect we have repeat visitors. :D

Unknown said...

Nothing too inane for the Monster Movie Marathon yet, though I have a couple of posts yet to appear myself--one citing Harry and the Henderson. :)

No chocolate for me this week, as my comfort food has been cheese puffs. Certain keys on my keyboard are orange now.

Kimbra Kasch said...

I'm a true fanpire too. I'm just now reading Interview with a Vampire - Hated the Movie but the book is not bad.

Now back to work :(

K.C. Shaw said...

A vampire made of chocolate would be really awesome. Maybe.

I got your book today! I can't wait to read it!

Katey said...

Six days! I keep pretending I'm going to let myself have Nano fun with y'all, but the truth is that I won't. I'm going to live vicariously instead!