Wednesday 30 June 2010

WIP Wednesday - Tick Tock, Tick Tock

Miss Pleasance swirled up through a hole in the sky for the fifth time today,  and she's getting a little time-travel sick.

Her story has to be finished by Sunday latest and she wants to know why it isn't done already. If she has to whirl around another helter skelter or fall in another damn pit, she's going to burn the headmaster's carpet slippers and hand in her resignation.

Time is catching up with my WIP - A World of Cardboard Houses - it has to be prettied up and sent out by Sunday latest. Gnaws fingers (there are no nails left). We're on day fourteen and draft five. I'm sure I've written first drafts of novels quicker.


Barry Napier said...

Surely this all means that it will be a stellar story. Keep at it!

Cate Gardner said...

Of course... Ha!

Rabid Fox said...

A World of Cardboard Houses ... if nothing else, it's got a sweet title.

Cate Gardner said...

I think the editor should accept it for its title alone, who needs plot, character, conflict... :D

Fox Lee said...

That picture reminds me what a truly perverted game TWISTER is ; )

Andrea Allison said...

Take a breath. I'm sure all will be well by Sunday.

Danielle Birch said...

A deadline always makes things interesting. Good luck :)

Cate Gardner said...

Natalie - and so much fun ;)

Andrea, if nothing else it'll be done :D

Doesn't it just, Danielle. :D

Rich said...

I have this annoying habit of coming up with ideas for specific markets about a week before the deadline. It gets me motivated, but is always a nail-biting finale to get there in time.

When it works, my writing is ten times better!

Jamie Eyberg said...

This story sounds like a lot of fun. I can't wait to read it. Good luck. (I hope your nails grow back quickly.)

Cate Gardner said...

Rich, Sometimes those pesky ideas are so elusive.

Jamie, I can live with no nails, it's my fingers I'm worried about. :D