Tuesday 22 June 2010

Viva La Espania

I blame Aaron Polson and his blog about Googling his name. I just found a Spanish review of my story 'Uncle Eric's Leather Bound Tale' which appeared in issue 2 of Arkham Tales.

I quote:

The secret to melt humans and turn them into trunks.

Very strange text, but fun to read.

That'll do me. Much appreciated.


Fox Lee said...

He made me google myself, too! I found my name on a couple Japanese sites. It was a good day : )

Cate Gardner said...

A very good day...

Alan W. Davidson said...

That's really cool! As I mentioned to Aaron...there are worse places it could have appeared, especially with "leather bound" in the title.

Cate Gardner said...

Goodness, yes. Ahem!

Mary Rajotte said...

You should set up a Google alert for your name - then you'll get email updates anytime people are talking about you behind your back! Err.....I mean praising your skills :)

Cate Gardner said...

I have an alert set up but it missed this review. Though most of the time the alert sends me info on Cate Blanchett because... Well, I don't know why.

Anthony Rapino said...

Ha, pretty cool. I never find anything interesting for my name.

Josh Reynolds said...

All I get is stuff about the painter whose name my parents borrowed.

Jeremy D Brooks said...

Muy bueno!

Aaron Polson said...

How fun. I'm going to melt some humans as soon as I figure out how to turn one into a trunk.

Andrea Allison said...

Awesome! I, for once, resisted temptation. No googling for me.

Barry Napier said...

I will not be happy until I find reviews of my stories in German. (Say, how many pages did you have to sift through to find this review?)

Jamie Eyberg said...

I keep coming up with a Sheila Eyberg who is a prominent and well published psychologist (I think) in my searches. Apparently she works with someone named Jamie. Weird.

Rabid Fox said...

Ha. Priceless. Thank you, Google Translate.

Rich said...

Yeah, I haven't found a lot. I don't think I've ever been reviewed as such, which is a bit of bummer.

That said, I did find a Randy Sampson, goddammit, I might just change my name!

Wahey for England! (sorry, couldn't resist)

Katey said...

Hahaha oh wow-- that is amazing. Also, Alan has a point about the leather-bound thing... kind of a shame nothing came up in reference to that, actually.