Sunday 3 January 2010

Here's to the Year that Was

Sales: 21 (of which 2 were pro-pay)
Rejections: 148 (it's a typo, I'm sure)
Total Word Count 2009: 191,765 words approx, plus 50,500 words (rewriting Theatre)

I wrote 14 new flash stories and 17 new short stories. I rewrote Theatre of Curious Acts (currently out with a publisher), The Drawing of Dolls (needs more work) and The Poisoned Apple (retired), and I completed the first draft of Grim Glass Vein. My chapbook, The Sour Aftertaste of Olive Lemon, was released (and sold out), and it was fantastic (and scary) to have a very, very tiny book in print.

I wasn't overly impressed with my efforts in 2009, but I'm hoping to kick ass in 2010 - if I can get started, darn this flu.

My goals for 2010 are to make three pro-pay and eight semi-pro short fiction sales. I want to finish Grim Glass Vein, and to complete the first and second draft of my next book. I'm aiming for 15 new short stories and a novelette / novella. Plus, of course, there's all the usual agent/publisher/Jensen Ackles materialises in my room daydreams.

Happy New Year.


K.C. Shaw said...

Those are awesome stats! 2010 will definitely be a great year for you, agent and publisher and all.

Cate Gardner said...

We live in hope. :D

Jamie Eyberg said...

What a kick-butt year!Good luck besting that in 2010. (and it is good to have you back in the fold.)

Alan W. Davidson said...

I aspire to your 2009 stats, Cate.

I have no doubt you will surpass that in 2010.

Mary Rajotte said...

I'm with Alan - I aspire to those stats. Guess I need a better system of keeping tally :) Here's to a fantastic year for all of us!

Jeremy D Brooks said...

2 pro pays is still pretty damn good!

Katey said...

Well *I* am overly impressed with your efforts in 2009, even if you aren't. It's been so much fun watching/reading it all for me, too. Congratulations on a good one, and here's to an even better one next time!

Jodi Lee (Morrighan) said...

Awesome, Cate!

Have a great 2010, sweetie!

Aaron Polson said...

2009 was a banner year, Cate. Have a fantastic 2010 (and I hope the flu exits the area soon).

Brendan P. Myers said...

Congrats, Cate. May all your dreams come true in 2010!

BT said...

Excellent stats, Cate.

One of the best parts of my 2009 - meeting, and getting to know much better, people like yourself.

Thanks for everything, and here's wishing you an bigger and better 2010!

Tyhitia Green said...

Happy New Year to you too, Cate. :-D This year will be great for us both. I know it. ;-)

I can agree with the Jensen Ackles thing. ;-)

Did you get my e-mail? :-D

Fox Lee said...

All this goal proclaiming is making my head swim! I'll need a few stiff coffee before I can get on that.

Cate Gardner said...

Thanks, guys and apologies for the delay in replying - the flu stole yesterday from me.