Saturday 17 October 2009

Spare Parts

The short history of Dudley B Metal...

Shortly after returning to writing after an accidental break of three or four years, and returning to writing short stories after an intended break of about seven years, I wrote a story about a lonely robot's encounter with an unhinged serial killer--aren't all serial killers unhinged?--who had set up shop at the edge of a desert.

Bob's Spares & Repairs was originally published in the Help anthology way back in early 2008, and the manic bot's establishment now reappears in reprint form in Twisted Tongue Magazine. You can download a copy of the magazine for free.


Aaron Polson said...

That piece was a hoot, Cate. Good fun, 'bots and all.

Rebecca Nazar said...

Twisted Tongue will always have a special place in my heart (well, that sounds icky). Anyway, they accepted one of my earlier pieces, giving me a boost when I needed it.

Congrats. I'll check it out. :-)

Jeremy D Brooks said...

Downloading this very minute...

John Pender said...

Pretty cool story. I liked it.

Fox Lee said...

I have that book! Talk about convenient : )

Cate Gardner said...

Thanks, guys.

Tuonela said...

I remember Bob's Spares & Repairs from, oh, a workshop way back somewhere in the mists of time... I have lived too long. Good one Cate!

Danielle Birch said...

I love your characters.

Cate Gardner said...

Me too, Ian.

:D Danielle