Sunday 13 September 2009

Productive Procrastination

Some things I captured while trawling the net...

Ellen Datlow has posted a list of anthologies she has received for consideration for Best Horror, Volume 2. If an anthology you're in isn't on the list, you might want to consider sending a copy along to Ms. Datlow or contacting your editor. Well, if you love your story that is, and if you don't, hide it under your bed.

It's time for the annual Cafe Doom short story competition again. I loved reading the entries last year and choosing my favourites, it gave me a feel of how a slush reader works. All you have to do to enter is join the forum (oh, and of course write the story). They want dark stories up to 3,500 words and the deadline is 30th October 2009.


BT said...

I got an email about this one from Ed. Are you entering?

Fox Lee said...

Just read "Captain Unworthy," well done! : )

Cate Gardner said...

Hi BT, I hope too. I'm glad Ed emailed everyone or I'd have forgotten it, and even if I don't send something I'll probably read the stories and vote - if that's allowed. :D Did you enter last year?

Thanks, Natalie. :D

K.C. Shaw said...

That's a lot of anthologies. I think I only sold one story to an antho this year, and the editor must be on the ball--it's on the list! Not that my story was very good, but it's nice to know it can be considered. :)

I'm heading over to read Captain Unworthy now. Pirates, arrr!

Cate Gardner said...

I was so pleased to see Malpractice up there - not because my story is in it but because there are so many good stories, Ms Datlow just has to pick at least one for her recommended list.

Rabid Fox said...

I guess I'll have to see if I can come up with anything for this contest. Thanks for the heads up, Cate.