Seven weeks to the day of her release
The Sour Aftertaste of Olive Lemon has officially sold out. We had an initial print run of 25 copies, and then a second print run of another 25 copies, which means (for those who are mathematically challenged) that 50 copies of Olive Lemon are lurking in various parts of the world, from the UK, to the US, to Argentina, to Australia, to Sweden.
Thank you to everyone who bought a copy, read a copy, or perhaps stole a copy (we all have gremlins hiding under our desks, right?). Thanks to everyone who took the time to promote Ms. Lemon. And, a special thanks to Nate Lambert and Stephen Blundell for making this ride wonderful.
Congrats Catherine!
Your first sell-out? (Will there be a reprint...?)
Not at the moment. Nate (Lambert) plans to compile the first four chapbooks from Bucket 'O' Guts press into a single paperback book.
Congratulations! I'm officially envious. Green, even.
Truly impressive achievement. Sincere congratulations!
Fantastic! Big, big congrats. Now that's a sweet aftertaste I'd say.
I'm not a bit surprised. It's a great story!
Thanks, guys.
Cool! My friend with a 1st and 2nd printing sellout.
I have the coolest friends. When I told my brother Olive had sold out and by how many, he nearly wet himself laughing.
This is the good kind of "selling out". Congrats!
nice. i like the clarification of your tag, that you've sold out, but not your soul :^)
Fantastic : )
You and Olive should throw a party. And you should invite me.
I'm really serious about the first part. You deserve a party.
Thank you.
Carrie, we do have cake - then again, we always have cake. ;)
Wow, congrats on selling out. Here's to a second run that does even better.
Congrats! That's great news for you, but on a more selfish note it's good to know that we all have a collectors item. :)
Woo Hoo! Congrats.
Thank you all. :D
I'm only sad for the people who wanted one and haven't gotten around to it yet-- too bad for you procrastinators of the world! Congratulations, Cate, it's a beautiful little chapbook.
Thanks, Katey.
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