Friday 14 August 2009

If of a nervous disposition, don't read

I really do suggest you don't read this post if a) you have agent rejections on more than one book, b) you are feeling a little wavy in the confidence department, and/or c) you purchased Olive Lemon's tale, because she insists I be good to you.

Here's a scary thought...

You've written five not-that-good books that agents have taken an interested in, dedicated a little bit of their time to - and they remember your name, because agents are hot on things like that - and then you write a sixth book, but those agents sigh when they see your name and think, 'I don't think I'll bother this time, they always disappoint', but the sixth book is brilliant, and it's left to blow away in the wind with only tumbleweeds for friends.

Did your stomach just churn? A rejection sent that thought scurrying through my head today - and no, I haven't had five not-that-good books that agents have taken an interest in - only two (we don't talk about the early years). But I imagine that figure could elicit the same response.

P.S. If you live outside the US, you can now purchase Olive Lemon for $7.50 direct from the Bucket 'O' Guts website.


Anthony Rapino said...

I should have listening to your warnings...

Cate Gardner said...

Sorry... Sometimes I should keep my thoughts tightly locked inside my head.

Jamie Eyberg said...


Cate Gardner said...

I warned you not to read. Wash your brain clean with that stuff Kate Shaw was drinking earlier.

Katey said...

A scary thought indeed! I'm suddenly grateful there wasn't enough overlap between the first two books I queried to let me send them to the exact same list of agents...

But oh, that won't last!

Barry Napier said...

yeah...I shouldn't have read that...

Tuonela said...

I didn't read it. Oh, wait...

Anonymous said...

ah!!!! i don't even have a book and i'm worried. crap my first one has to be brillant! what if they read my first one and its horrible and and

*puts head on hold* wait. i think i'll wait until i actually write something before i worry :^)

Anonymous said...

:) We'll write them anyway, yeah?

Aaron Polson said...

Cate - Rejections aren't part of the game, they are the game.

I'll just have to start sending out under pseudonymns. Heh.

Alan W. Davidson said...

Olive Lemon is now on her way to Canada. Got mine ordered prior to the "outside US" option set up. A bit awkward at first, but Nate Lambert at Bogpress helped me sort it out.

Fox Lee said...

I have a feeling agents are keeping a very positive eye on you, so no worries there. Go worry sea monsters or something ; )

Cate Gardner said...

Oh what a beautiful word - pseudonymn. Off to make up beautiful bizarre names.

Thanks again, Alan. :)

BT said...

Not worried for me or for anyone else in this cabal of writers. Great writing will always find a home - and we will all get there eventually!

There, now does everyone fell better - the truth often helps that way :c)

Just ordered Olive. Looking forward to it.