Wednesday 17 June 2009

WIP Wednesday

I've noticed a theme running on several blogs known as WIP Wednesday, and of course I thought it a marvellous idea. A good W day to catch up on where my current projects stand or slumber (ahem!). First off, let me point out that I claim to have about 6 books I want to write, and then there are several places I need to write shorts for (ie it's almost July and I have nothing to send to Necrotic Tissue), so where do my WIP's stand at this moment. Please take a moment to enjoy the visual representation of my brain workings...

Ah! Sweet June, it's too warm and sunny to worry about writing. Eyes glance towards the window. Oh! It's dull and raining. Writer goes away to think up another, better excuse.


K.C. Shaw said...

Lol! That's an excellent picture! It's also a pretty good picture of my brain at the moment.

I like the idea of WIP Wednesday, though.

Cate Gardner said...

Maybe next week I'll have progressed to a stick woman to go with the stick man with the very short legs.

Fox Lee said...

I tried to imagine what my creative process would look like, but at the moment all I can think about is DJ Ozma's dildo shorts.

Alan W. Davidson said...

Not sure how I should follow up on dildo shorts...I am of the same mind as you Cate. I'd love to use the weather as an excuse but ours is too similar to the rainy, foggy weather in the GB. If you need a new excuse, I'll loan you a couple!

Katey said...

I love it! That's some fine representative art you have going, there.

It really is too warm and sunny...

Anonymous said...

i enjoy the line at the top. i feel it shows your thought process :^)

Brendan P. Myers said...

Hilarious. I saw your headline and came here to ask you to stop making us slothful types look bad.

I was delighted at what I found.

Anonymous said...

I actually finished the first draft of a WIP tonight. I've only been working on the damn thing for six months. And no, its not a novel, its just a short.

BT said...


I'm in touch with those emotions!

Cate Gardner said...

Natalie, then draw them. :D

Alan, I have a whole bucket full of excuses.

Katey, maybe in Washington. ;)

Stephanie, or lack of thought process?

Brendan, I am the queen of slothfulness.

Jeremy, I should get to where you are in about 5 months. ;)

BT, what's happening to us all!!!

Barry Napier said...

Crap! I guess I need to figure out what I'll be sending to Necrotic Tissue, too!

Jamie Eyberg said...

I feel pretty good, I have a 100 worder to send to NT in July. I don't have anything else going for me right now though. :p

Cate Gardner said...

Good to know, I'm not alone, Barry.

Good luck, Jamie.

Carrie Harris said...

Heh. It seems like maybe we're in the same place: a whole lot going on and not much of anything to show for it.

Oh well. Maybe next week. :)

Jodi Lee (Morrighan) said...

Does it count if we have a WIP Wednesday where our main progress is that very post itself?

:-/ That's about where it is, over at mine. I'm tempted to pull out Arnzen's Instigations (fiction prompts) and give those a try.