Friday 1 May 2009

That Time of the Month Again

Ah! The obligatory end of month post... April was as wet as one would expect.

Sales: 1
Publications: 2 (both of them on April 1st)
Approx Word Count: 21,701 words
Total Word Count 2009: 110,154 words
Stories out in submission land: Can't remember
WIP: Church of the Vacant Lot (first draft) - 4661 words.
New Subscriptions: 0 - I have a stack of magazines I need to read and more on their way due to current subscriptions.

This month I finished 'The Poisoned Apple' again. This rewrite added 11,000 words making the book a more healthy 35,000 words (MGs are generally 20,000 to 40,000 words). I rewrote the query letter and the synopsis and am in the process of querying - so far I've had 4 requests for fulls (with 2 still pending).

'Theatre of Curious Acts' is still on a partial request with 'unnamed' publisher. If they say no, I'll start querying that book as a YA.

The word count for 'Church of the Vacant Lot' hasn't improved much over the month, partly because I've rewritten the beginning (multiple POVs, first person, third person) so many times. I'm not expecting it to have a healthy May.

I kept my word and didn't write any short stories this month. Sort of. I did write 'The Sour Aftertaste of Olive Lemon' but at 8000 words it is technically a novelette. It's on hold with a market I would love to get into.


Jamie Eyberg said...

I'm rooting for you. It sounds like you had an exciting month and I can't wait to see where Olive ends up!

Cate Gardner said...

Possibly in the recycle bin. :0

No, I'd never do that to her.

Fox Lee said...

Ugh, I am not looking forward to doing mine this month. I'm been a bad girl.

Unknown said...

Way to go on the four requests. Very exciting.

Rebecca Nazar said...

Catherine, as always, you are an inspiration. Continued success.

Cate Gardner said...

We expect nothing less of you, Natalie. ;)

Two are already nos (re my post of April 17th) and I'm not expecting the other two to be fruitful, but it is nice to be asked.

:) Rebecca.

K.C. Shaw said...

Wow, you're doing great! Two full requests pending is especially exciting! Good luck!

Cate Gardner said...

I'm not expecting a yes from either (and I don't mean that in a modest way, I mean that in an honest way) but after years and years and well a decade of no requests it is nice.