Wednesday 15 April 2009

Draft of the Vacant Pages

Ignore the word count for 'Church of the Vacant Lot' to the left of the screen, it lies. I deleted two chapters earlier and we're now hovering back at the 1600ish mark. I've decided to ditch my two POV plan and move it to the sole viewpoint of Ms. Christina Helene Banks - she insisted. We toyed with first person for a while (probably the result of reading two first person books back to back) but I'm ignoring that particular lure until I announce a week from now...

Ignore the word count for 'Church of the Vacant Lot', it lies.

I'm worried about my title. How stupid is that? The book is little more than a spark lingering at the back of my mind and I'm panicking it's the sort of title to incite a school book ban. Actually, I imagine the contents will leave me excommunicated if I was actually communicated in the first place. **Scratches head - you're not the only one confused by that sentence.** So why don't I change the title? Because it's inspiring me to write 'a most marvellous book'TM.


Jamie Eyberg said...

Actually, banned book screams instant bestseller. I like the title anyway.

Cate Gardner said...

Good point, Mr. Eyberg. Though of course 'Church' would be an instant bestseller even if it was titled 'Pants' as it is 'a most marvellous book'.

Aaron Polson said...

I have to agree with Jamie. Banned book=big sales.

What exactly does "pants" mean? I think I have the general idea, but...

Fox Lee said...

I think its an adorable title : ) Besides, I plan to call a future book "Princess" and it's a horror novel!

Danielle Birch said...

I love the title, don't change it.

Jodi Lee (Morrighan) said...

You always have such great titles, Cate - don't change it!

PS - what Jamie said. :)

Jeremy D Brooks said...

I like that title, too. It draws pictures in your head before you even start reading.

Cate Gardner said...

Aaron - Pants means crap. :)

Natalie, and I intend to buy future book titled 'Princess'.

Cheers, Danielle.

:) Jodi

Ah, but are they the right pictures. :)

Andrea Allison said...

I'm sooo telling. It's not nice to lie. ;)

I stink at titles. Yours sounds better than anything I could come up with.

Carrie Harris said...

What's wrong with the title? I don't see any problems with it.

Of course, that might not be soothing, come to think of it. :)

Cate Gardner said...

I panic therefore I am. :)

K.C. Shaw said...

But I love the title! Change the viewpoint, change the plot, change the wordcount, but keep the title!

BT said...

I'm big on titles - I stress over them constantly. Eventually something hits me and it seems to fit - and people seem to comment on them.

When I read your title, it screamed SK-esque at me. I loved it and have had my hand waving at the back of the class since its inception to be a beta reader for it. Do not change the title - please.

Cate Gardner said...

KC, Done. :)

BT, careful, I'll rememember you said that. :)

Anonymous said...

As a new blogger, and thus unbiased person, I can tell you that I really do like the title, "Church of the Vacant Lot."

Cate Gardner said...

Ah, thanks Horror Girl and welcome to the world fo blogging. :)